Fundamental Analysis

discount rate

The discount rate refers to the interest rate used to change future payments into the present value, or it refers to the holder requesting the bank to cash the undue note. The bank refers to the discount rate as the interest rate used to change the future payment into the present value. Or it means that the holder requests the bank to cash the undue note, and the bank deducts the interest in advance from the interest rate used. This discount rate also refers to the rediscount rate, that is, each member bank guarantees the discounted bills as the interest paid when borrowing from the central bank.

The discount rate, also known as the threshold ratio, refers to the fact that when commercial banks handle bill discounting business, they calculate interest at a certain interest rate. This interest rate is the discount rate, which is the price at which bill discounters obtain funds. Commonly used for bill discounting. For all the notes receivable of the enterprise, when capital turnover is needed before maturity, the notes can be used to apply for discount or borrowing from the bank.

The difference between Discount Rate and Present Value Rate

The discount rate refers to converting a certain amount of money in the future into how much money it is equivalent to now. It does not mean losing money or converting a certain product into cash. The present value rate serves as a bridge to compare future money with present money. This is very useful in value investing, because value investing needs to calculate the present value of future free cash flows.

Therefore, if you know a certain amount of cash FV in the future, you can convert it into the current equivalent cash PV according to a certain interest rate. This process is called discounting, and this interest rate is called the discount rate.

By definition, both the discount rate and the discount rate are the interest rates used to convert money in the future into money in the present. But they have the following differences:

Discount rates are often used in transactions between bill markets and central banks, while discount rates are often used to calculate the value of investment projects or assets.

The discount rate is a policy interest rate set and announced by the central bank, while the discount rate is a market interest rate determined by market supply and demand.

The discount rate is based on the face value of the note minus interest to get the actual amount paid, while the discount rate is based on future earnings divided by (1 + interest rate) to get the current value.

The discount rate is usually fixed or changes slightly, while the discount rate will change with factors such as time, risk and expected return.

The impact of discount rates on financial markets

As a basic monetary policy tool, the discount rate has an important impact on financial markets. Generally speaking:

When the discount rate increases, it means that the cost of commercial banks borrowing from the central bank increases, which will reduce the willingness and ability of commercial banks to apply for loans from the central bank, thereby reducing the liquidity and credit supply in the market, and suppressing inflation.

When the discount rate decreases, it means that the cost of borrowing money from the central bank for commercial banks decreases, which increases the willingness and ability of commercial banks to apply for loans from the central bank, thereby increasing liquidity and credit supply in the market and stimulating economic growth.

Therefore, the central bank implements loose or tight monetary policies by adjusting the discount rate to achieve goals such as stabilizing the economy and controlling price levels.


This article introduces the definition of discount rate, its difference from discount rate and its impact on financial markets. We hope this helps you better understand this important financial concept. The interest rate used to deduct interest first.

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