Fundamental Analysis

MCSI Index

MCSI index, the full name of Morgan Stanley Capital International Index, is a series of stock indexes compiled and published by MSCI Inc., covering the stock markets of various countries, regions, industries and themes around the world. Performance. The MCSI index is an important reference index for European and American fund managers to invest in the global stock market, and is also the tracking target of many passive funds and ETFs.

What types of MCSI indices are there?

There are many types of MCSI indices, which can be divided into the following types according to different scopes and standards:

MSCI ACWI Index: represents the stock market performance of all developed and emerging markets around the world, including more than 3,000 stocks in 49 countries and regions.

MSCI World Index: represents the stock market performance of global developed markets, including 23 countries and regions and more than 1,600 stocks.

MSCI EAFE Index: represents the stock market performance of developed markets in Europe, Australia and the Far East, including 21 countries and regions and more than 900 stocks.

MSCI EM Index: represents the stock market performance of global emerging markets, including more than 1,400 stocks in 26 countries and regions.

MSCI BRIC index: represents the stock market performance of four emerging countries: Brazil, Russia, India and China, including more than 300 stocks in 4 countries and regions.

MSCI Frontier Markets Index: Represents the stock market performance of global border markets, including 29 countries and regions and more than 100 stocks.

MSCI Regional and Country Index: represents the stock market performance of each region or a single country, such as MSCI Asia Pacific Index, MSCI Japan Index, MSCI Taiwan Index, etc.

MSCI Sector and Industry Index: represents the stock market performance of various industries or industries, such as MSCI Information Technology Index, MSCI Health Care Index, MSCI Financials Index, etc.

MSCI Thematic and Factor Index: represents the stock market performance of various themes or factors, such as MSCI ESG Index, MSCI Momentum Index, MSCI Quality Index, etc.

How to use the MCSI index to invest in global stock markets?

Investors can use the MCSI index to analyze and select investment opportunities in different markets, industries and themes around the world. MCSI indexes can help investors understand the risk and return characteristics of various markets and provide diversified and balanced portfolio recommendations. Investors can also use the MCSI index to evaluate their investment performance and risk management.

Investors can invest in the MCSI Index in the following ways:

Buy passive funds or ETFs that track the MCSI index, such as iShares MSCI ACWI ETF, Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US ETF, etc.

Buy active funds or ETFs that track the constituent stocks of the MCSI index, such as Fidelity Global Thematic Opportunities Fund, Allianz Global Equity Fund, etc.

Purchase and trade MCSI index futures or options contracts, such as MSCI Taiwan Futures, MSCI China A50 Futures, etc. provided by the Hong Kong Exchange.

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