Hot spot tracking

  • Saudi says OPEC+ is dealing with market uncertainty
  • Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau makes surprise visit to Kiev
  • Putin: Ukrainian counteroffensive has begun

Product Hot Comment

  • Forex
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    AUD/USD 0.39% 0.6742 0.67437
    USD/JPY 0.39% 139.435 139.369
    GBP/CAD 0.07% 1.67841 1.67665
    NZD/CAD 0.46% 0.81734 0.81632
    📝 Review:The dollar rebounded from a two-week low on Friday, with investors awaiting next week's inflation data and the Federal Reserve's rate decision for any fresh clues on how high the Fed's terminal rate might be.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    USD/JPY 139.278  Sell  Target Price  138.791

  • Gold
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    Gold -0.26% 1960.14 1960.34
    Silver 0.08% 24.256 24.234
    📝 Review:Gold retreated on Friday as the dollar strengthened and yields rose, but posted its best week since early May after weak jobs data supported bets the Federal Reserve would hold fire next week.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    Gold 1960.24  Buy  Target Price  1977.80

  • Crude Oil
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    WTI Crude Oil -0.91% 70.402 70.258
    Brent Crude Oil -0.74% 74.852 74.481
    📝 Review:Oil prices fell more than $1 a barrel on Friday, falling for a second week in a row, as data raised doubts about demand growth after Saudi Arabia decided to cut production at the weekend.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    WTI Crude Oil 69.938  Buy  Target Price  71.796

  • Indice
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    Nasdaq 100 0.38% 14544.1 14546.35
    Dow Jones 0.27% 33885.8 33884
    S&P 500 0.25% 4301.6 4304.4
    US Dollar Index 0.19% 103.11 103.11
    📝 Review:The three major U.S. stock indexes closed up slightly. The Dow closed up 0.13%, the S&P 500 closed up 0.17%, and the Nasdaq closed up 0.16%. Tesla closed up 4.06%, rising for 11 consecutive trading days. On the news, General Motors said it would adopt the Tesla interface to promote Tesla as the North American charging standard. The charging pile sector fell generally, Chargepoint fell more than 13%, EVgo fell 12.36%, and Blink Charging fell more than 10%. The Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index closed up slightly by 0.26%.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    Nasdaq 100 14571.450  Buy  Target Price  14673.920

  • Crypto
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    BitCoin 0.95% 26111.5 26038
    Ethereum 0.87% 1764.1 1757.7
    Dogecoin -0.08% 0.06154 0.06128
    📝 Review:On the evening of June 10, Bitcoin fell below the $26,000 mark. Due to the loss of the key price of Bitcoin, dozens of other mainstream currencies in the virtual currency market also showed a "slump" scene almost at the same time, which is suitable for continuing to short.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    BitCoin 25895.4  Sell  Target Price  25415.2

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