Hot spot tracking

  • Israel will attack Rafah someday, and Hamas rejects ceasefire agreement
  • The New York Fed's 1-year inflation expectations survey in March showed 3%
  • India's silver imports hit record high in February

Product Hot Comment

  • Forex
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    EUR/USD 0.19% 1.08588 1.08591
    GBP/USD 0.18% 1.26544 1.26529
    AUD/USD 0.47% 0.6607 0.66044
    USD/JPY 0.15% 151.842 151.815
    GBP/CAD 0.07% 1.71738 1.71754
    NZD/CAD 0.23% 0.81845 0.81856
    📝 Review:Recently, market expectations that the European Central Bank may take interest rate cuts in June have gradually increased. This expectation may even precede similar actions by the Federal Reserve, thus having a significant impact on the exchange rate trend of the euro against the dollar. This expectation has led to a dampening of bullish investor sentiment towards EUR/USD futures. Specifically, large speculators have shown their most cautious attitude towards the prospects of the euro since September 2022. In fact, they were actually net short the euro during the last reporting cycle, reflecting the market's pessimism about the euro's near-term direction.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    USD/JPY 151.805  Sell  Target Price  151.205

  • Gold
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    Gold 0.63% 2338.72 2338.48
    Silver 1.58% 27.834 27.847
    📝 Review:Gold prices showed strong upward momentum. It hit a record high for the seventh consecutive day on Monday, reaching $2,353.83 an ounce. Although the price subsequently fell back, the final closing price was still as high as $2,338.82 per ounce. The main drivers of this price increase include gold purchases by central banks, as well as geopolitical tensions around the world. Central bank gold purchases are often seen as a safeguard for economic stability, while the presence of geopolitical tensions has increased market concerns about future uncertainty. Both of these have enhanced gold's appeal as a safe-haven asset.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    Gold 2340.87  Buy  Target Price  2352.76

  • Crude Oil
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    WTI Crude Oil 0.47% 85.914 85.929
    Brent Crude Oil 0.48% 90.094 90.128
    📝 Review:Recently, crude oil prices experienced a volatile decline on Monday after experiencing a series of gains, ending the previous multi-day upward trend. This change was mainly affected by the situation in the Middle East. Israel has reduced its military deployment in southern Gaza and launched a new round of ceasefire negotiations with Hamas, which has relieved market concerns to a certain extent that conflicts in the region may affect oil supplies. However, although crude oil prices once fell by more than 2% during the session, market concerns about tight oil supply have not completely dissipated as the progress of ceasefire negotiations has reached a deadlock. During the European and American trading hours, the decline in oil prices narrowed significantly, showing that investors remain highly concerned about oil supply issues.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    WTI Crude Oil 86.065  Buy  Target Price  86.707

  • Indice
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    Nasdaq 100 -0.22% 18127.29 18132.13
    Dow Jones -0.16% 38937.6 38931.5
    S&P 500 -0.16% 5211.08 5211.03
    0.00% 17559.3 17559.3
    US Dollar Index -0.16% 103.78 103.77
    📝 Review:The Dow Jones Industrial Average edged down 0.03%, the S&P 500 declined 0.4%, while the Nasdaq Composite edged up 0.03%. In terms of individual stocks, Nvidia (NVDA.O) fell 1% and Apple (AAPL.O) fell 0.6%, while Coinbase (COIN.O) posted a 6% gain. In addition, the Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index also rose slightly by 0.06%. In terms of Chinese concept stocks, the share price of Baidu (BIDU.O) fell by more than 3%, while the share price of Li Auto (LI.O) rose sharply by 4.7%.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    Nasdaq 100 18116.380  Buy  Target Price  18296.375

  • Crypto
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    BitCoin 3.88% 71736.6 71719.4
    Ethereum 8.56% 3685.8 3682.7
    Dogecoin 2.42% 0.20168 0.20101
    📝 Review:Judging from the recent performance of the Bitcoin market, multiple forces have a clear advantage. During the holiday season, Bitcoin’s price showed a typical fluctuation pattern on the 30-minute K-line chart. That is, after experiencing a round of rising prices and entering a consolidation phase, Bitcoin rose again and entered a new consolidation phase, eventually forming a clear upward trend. At present, the price of Bitcoin is close to a strong support range, and this position is of great significance for the subsequent trend. At the same time, the market also showed a certain deviation from demand. While prices rise, trading volume does not increase simultaneously, which may trigger certain adjustments in the market. At the daily level, Bitcoin has not yet seen a clear top pattern, which means that the price of Bitcoin is still likely to continue to rise in the short term. According to the analysis of the trend pattern a+A+b+B+c on the 30-minute K-line chart, it has now entered the rising stage of segment c. Although a 5-minute consolidation structure has not yet formed, a 1-minute consolidation structure has emerged, which may indicate short-term market volatility. To sum up, the short-term trend of the Bitcoin market is still relatively optimistic, but there is also a certain degree of uncertainty in the market. Investors should pay close attention to market dynamics when participating in transactions, adjust strategies in a timely manner and pay attention to risk management.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    BitCoin 71738.4  Buy  Target Price  72957.8

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