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  • US President Joe Biden to go to Vietnam
  • Chevron Australia LNG plant to go on strike
  • Putin: Cannot attend G20 summit in New Delhi

Product Hot Comment

  • Forex
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    EUR/USD 0.20% 1.08186 1.08194
    GBP/USD 0.20% 1.2602 1.26008
    AUD/USD 0.31% 0.64319 0.6431
    USD/JPY 0.07% 146.536 146.533
    GBP/CAD 0.28% 1.71355 1.7123
    NZD/CAD 0.19% 0.80359 0.8029
    📝 Review:The dollar briefly touched a nine-month high against the yen on Monday, falling against a basket of currencies as investors awaited key data later in the week and kept an eye on possible intervention to support the struggling yen measure.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    USD/JPY 146.344  Buy  Target Price  146.720

  • Gold
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    Gold 0.26% 1919.95 1919.76
    Silver 0.05% 24.217 24.213
    📝 Review:Gold prices climbed on Monday, helped by a retreat in the dollar and U.S. Treasury yields, as investors awaited a slew of U.S. economic data this week for more clues on the outlook for interest rates.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    Gold 1921.60  Buy  Target Price  1926.03

  • Crude Oil
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    WTI Crude Oil -0.23% 79.797 79.789
    Brent Crude Oil -0.56% 83.761 83.786
    📝 Review:Oil prices were steady on Monday, weighed down by concerns that further U.S. interest rate hikes could curb demand, but underpinned by potential supply disruptions from tropical storms along the U.S. Gulf Coast.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    WTI Crude Oil 79.108  Buy  Target Price  80.649

  • Indice
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    Nasdaq 100 0.59% 15057.95 15068.55
    Dow Jones 0.47% 34567.5 34590.4
    S&P 500 0.47% 4434.35 4437.45
    0.55% 16586 16567
    US Dollar Index -0.16% 103.65 103.6
    📝 Review:The three major U.S. stock indexes closed up. The Dow closed up 0.62%, the Nasdaq closed up 0.84%, and the S&P 500 rose 0.62%. Chinese concept stocks outperformed the broader market. The Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index closed up 2.2%, while Alibaba, Baidu and all rose more than 2.5%. Nvidia closed up 1.8%, and Vietnamese electric car manufacturer VinFast closed up nearly 20%, hitting a new closing high, with a total market value of about 190 billion US dollars.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    Nasdaq 100 14821.250  Buy  Target Price  14962.620

  • Crypto
    Product Yesterday's Change Yesterday's Close Today's Open
    BitCoin -0.32% 25954 25946.9
    Ethereum -0.41% 1639.6 1639.2
    Dogecoin 0.43% 0.06258 0.06255
    📝 Review:Bitcoin's trading volume fell to its lowest level in nearly five years this month, and the total volume of Bitcoin held on all exchanges, whether spot or derivatives exchanges, fell to its lowest level since 2018 earlier this month and has remained constant. Difficult to rebound as investors are still waiting for a reason to return to the market.
    🕵️ Operation suggestion:

    BitCoin 26087.0  Buy  Target Price  26240.3

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