ETF custody fee

ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is a fund that is traded on an exchange. It usually tracks the performance of an index, an industry, a region or a theme. The advantages of ETFs are that they provide diversification, transparency, flexibility and low-cost investment options.

What is an ETF custody fee?

ETF Custody Fee refers to an annual fee charged by ETF issuers to investors to cover the management, operation and transaction costs of ETFs. These costs include fund managers' compensation, audit fees, legal fees, administrative fees, transaction commissions, taxes, etc. ETF custodial fees are usually expressed as a percentage, such as 0.5% or 1%.

What impact do ETF custody fees have on investment income?

ETF custodial fees have a direct impact on investors' net returns because they reduce the fund's net asset value (NAV). For example, if an ETF has an NAV of $100 and its custody fee is 1%, then after one year, its NAV will be reduced to $99, and the investor's return will be reduced by 1%. Therefore, investors should consider the impact of custody fees when choosing ETFs and try to choose products with low custody fees.

How to choose ETF products with low custody fees?

It is not difficult to choose ETF products with low custody fees. Just pay attention to the following aspects:

Compare the differences in custody fees between ETF products of the same type or theme. For example, if you want to invest in a U.S. stock market index, you can compare ETF products tracking different indexes such as the S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, or the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and choose the one with the lowest custodial fees.

Avoid overly complex or specialized ETF products. For example, if you want to invest in gold, you might choose an ETF that tracks the price of gold or gold-related stocks, rather than one that uses derivatives or leverage to amplify gold price movements, as the latter typically carry higher risks. and higher storage fees.

Consider fund size and liquidity. Generally speaking, the larger the fund, the better the liquidity and the lower the custody fee because the fund issuer can reduce costs through economies of scale. Therefore, investors can prioritize the most popular and actively traded ETF products on the market.


In short, ETF custody fees are one of the important factors that affect investment returns. When choosing ETFs, investors should pay attention to comparing the differences in custody fees between different products, and try to choose products with low custody fees, high liquidity and high transparency. Only in this way can you maximize your investment efficiency and returns.



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